Thursday, November 16, 2006

Controversial Wild Wild Women of the West Cover

Check out the cover for the anthology with authors Delilah Devlin, Myla Jackson (Me) and Layla Chase! They soooo got it wrong. This is fun group of stories about women of the wild OLD WEST. We're talking in the 1800's not the 2000's! Would love to hear your comments.


Pamela Tyner said...

Yeah, it does look like a contemp. Maybe the back cover blurb though will make it clear that it's not?

Jennah said...

Well, that just isn't right. A reader looking forward to a contemporary wouldn't be impressed at what was inside. How strange that they would do this. Is it just for sales?

Cattwmn said...

Hmmm - they could photoshop a frilly bloomer leg instead of the knee in denim. The undergarment worn in that time period. ;) It wouldn't require a total redo - just change the garment on the 'wild woman's' leg. And remove the jewelry.